Forum Archive - GTranslate Pro Not Working in Google Chrome Browser

GTranslate Pro Not Working in Google Chrome Browser
Jul 8, 2011 1:18 pm by [email protected]
I purchased the Pro version thinking that it would be a little better than the Free version. But after following the install instructions and checking that the server has the required supporting applications running. I find that the Pro version does not work. The website is When I select a language flag nothing happens this is when i use the Google Chrome Browser. When i use Firefox it gives this error Warning: file_put_contents(cache/zh-CN/76b6a2a9b8604538a44ca84230ba496f) [function.file-put-contents]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/teenagep/public_html/gtranslate/translate.php on line 174 I have the redirect option selected and the use pro version ticked as mentions in the instructions but nothing happens. The cache folder is set to 777 as requested. Not sure what to do, other than to go back to the Free version.
Re: GTranslate Pro Not Working in Google Chrome Browser
Jul 8, 2011 7:15 pm by Edvard
Try to make a CTRL + F5 refresh on your chrome browser. Make sure that the cache cache folder contains XX language folders and make sure to set the permissions to 777 for all of that folders. May be you didn't upload the contents of cache folder and don't have anything inside cache?
Re: GTranslate Pro Not Working in Google Chrome Browser
Jul 9, 2011 12:51 am by [email protected]
I have the cache folder set to 777 and the language files are in the cache folder also set to 777 but still the Google chrome browser does not work. I have tried the Ctrl F5 refresh the cache on the browser but still not working. Try for yourself Firefox is not working properly either. Here is a screen capture of the files from the server from the FTP program. Any other suggestions? Regards Maurice Price
Re: GTranslate Pro Not Working in Google Chrome Browser
Jul 9, 2011 2:08 am by [email protected]
Sorry, I cant get this Pro version to work. I am changing back to the Free version with Google Translate option.
Re: GTranslate Pro Not Working in Google Chrome Browser
Jul 9, 2011 10:47 am by Edvard
Hi, What do you have in your cache folder? I think you didn't upload it correctly to your server.


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