Forum Archive - gTranslate PRO and sh404sef

gTranslate PRO and sh404sef
Apr 16, 2013 11:17 am by PAlridR
Hi ! I use sh404sef and I have some issues with new installation of gTranslate PRO : - I copy text below just after "RewriteBase /" in my .htaccess and I have 404 error for all links # gtranslate config RewriteRule ^([a-z]{2}|zh-CN|zh-TW)/([a-z]{2}|zh-CN|zh-TW)/(.*)$ /$1/$3 [R=301,L] RewriteRule ^([a-z]{2}|zh-CN|zh-TW)/([a-z]{2}|zh-CN|zh-TW)$ /$1/ [R=301,L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteRule ^([a-z]{2}|zh-CN|zh-TW)/(.*)$ /gtranslate/translate.php?lang=$1&url=$2 [L,QSA] RewriteRule ^([a-z]{2}|zh-CN|zh-TW)$ /gtranslate/translate.php?lang=$1 [L,QSA] - I can modify translation but no links are translated, is it normal ? Thanks
Re: gTranslate PRO and sh404sef
Apr 16, 2013 11:43 am by Yana
Hi, if you installed the joomla system plugin you shouldn't add redirect rules. It is for the general version. If you have a problem with sh404sef plugin please check this post problem-with-joomla-and-virtuemart-t2624.html?hilit=sh404sef#p10444 If you can sen me access info I can check the settings.
Re: gTranslate PRO and sh404sef
Apr 16, 2013 12:28 pm by PAlridR
Ok, I added code in sh404sef file but nothing changed. I sent you a pm with access to my backend site...
Re: gTranslate PRO and sh404sef
Apr 16, 2013 12:49 pm by Yana
I'll check it ASAP.
Re: gTranslate PRO and sh404sef
Apr 19, 2013 4:56 pm by PAlridR
Hi ! As I have no feedback from support I searched myself and testing the $ _SERVER ['REQUEST_URI'] variable and when gTranslate is activated I found that a white space is added before and after the "/" in this variable. For ex: "/ fr / photo-paintings /" I think my 404 errors come from there so ... if support well take into account this point ! I tried to remove them with $_SERVER ['REQUEST_URI'] = str_replace(' ', '', $_SERVER ['REQUEST_URI']); but it doesn't works. I have sh404SEF 4.0.2-rc.1544 and put code in sh404sef.php file have no effect but in sef_ext.php yes. Thank you in advance
Re: gTranslate PRO and sh404sef
Apr 23, 2013 2:22 pm by Yana
Hi, I added the GTranslate fix lines to /plugins/system/sh404sef/sh404sef.php file on April 16 but noticed that you deleted the fix lines. I edited the sh404sef.php again and the translation works . Please do not delete GTranslate fix lines. // sh404sef fix $session = & JFactory::getSession(); $lang = $session->get('glang'); $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = str_replace('/'.$lang.'/', '/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
Re: gTranslate PRO and sh404sef
May 4, 2013 1:25 pm by PAlridR
Hi, Your fixe was probably deleted with an sh404sef update but you don't understand my problem since the begining ! I nerver said that translation doesn't work, just all links give 404 errors when GTranslate is activated. So, navigation is impossible and only home page can be viewed. Actually, GTranslate is deactivated but you can activate it and you will see this issue. Don't forget to be logged because of cache. I stop sh404SEF update until you find the problem. Thanks
Re: gTranslate PRO and sh404sef
May 4, 2013 9:07 pm by Yana
Dear PAlridR, If you add gtranslate fix lines to sh404 sef you should be able to see the translated versions instead of 404 error page.
Re: gTranslate PRO and sh404sef
May 5, 2013 9:16 pm by PAlridR
OK, I've wasted enough time and turn around, so I chose another solution... and lost just € 79!!!
Re: gTranslate PRO and sh404sef
May 6, 2013 2:58 pm by Yana
Dear PAlridR, Did you change the settings again? I corrected the settings on April 16 and April 23 but you deleted gtranslate fix lines. If you activate the username and password I can check the settings.


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