Forum Archive - Gtranslate pro - gives 404 - Component not found error

Gtranslate pro - gives 404 - Component not found error
May 25, 2011 9:36 am by vishwa
Hi There, This is vishwa i install Gtranslate pro on my site according to given instraction on readme.txt, after instalation it gives [b]404 - Component not found error[/b] when i change language by the Gtranslate module. my site url :- Please help men to short out this problem. Thanks , Vishwa
Re: Gtranslate pro - gives 404 - Component not found error
May 25, 2011 10:10 am by Edvard
Hi, Please check the troubleshooting and let me know if you are still not able to solve the issue: gtranslate/troubleshooting-gtranslate-pro-t368.html
Re: Gtranslate pro - gives 404 - Component not found error
May 25, 2011 11:49 am by vishwa
hi Edvard, Thanks for replying me :) i follow all the required instructional from link given by you and now a new error comes when we change language by language module. Site error: the file /var/www/virtual/andy/ requires the ionCube PHP Loader to be installed by the website operator. If you are the website operator please use the ionCube Loader Wizard to assist with installation. really need to install ? vishwa !
Re: Gtranslate pro - gives 404 - Component not found error
May 26, 2011 8:39 am by Edvard
Yes, ionCube library is required, please consult with your hosting provider to find out how to enable it.
Gtranslate pro change the virtuemart price formate
May 31, 2011 1:37 pm by vishwa
Hi Edvard, I really Thank full to to customize Gtranslate Pro. now error are fixed but it not translating all the part of the pages on the site. So please help me for this ! Thanks & Regard, Vishwa.
Re: Gtranslate pro - gives 404 - Component not found error
Jun 3, 2011 8:13 am by Edvard
Hi, I can see for example Russian is working:
Gtranslate pro and currency convert script problam
Jun 6, 2011 2:47 pm by vishwa
Hi , i got a problem with Gtranslate pro with currency converter script. when i change the language from language module it changes the currency format of all the product in site. URL:- ... 1/cult-art normal price formate is : £45.00 after change the language : £4,500.00 when i remove the code of currency converter language module works fine. Please have a look i generate this script from <!-- Dynamic Converter --> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> function dc_ld() { var dc_dlay = document.createElement("script"); dc_dlay.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript'); dc_dlay.setAttribute('language', 'javascript'); dc_dlay.setAttribute('id', 'dcdlay'); dc_dlay.setAttribute("src", "http"+(window.location.protocol.indexOf("https:")==0?"s://converter":"://converter2")+""); document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(dc_dlay); } setTimeout('dc_ld()',10); </script> <style> #currency_select select { width: 110px; font:1.0em Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } #dc_box {display:none;}</style> <!-- Dynamic Converter End --> Please help me how to make both of this working. vishwa
Re: Gtranslate pro - gives 404 - Component not found error
Jun 6, 2011 2:50 pm by Edvard
Hi, Try to wrap all the prices on your site with <span class="notranslate"></span> or add class="notranslate" attribute to the price wrapper tag if any. It will stop the translation of the prices.
Re: Gtranslate pro - gives 404 - Component not found error
Jun 7, 2011 6:45 am by vishwa
Hi Edvard, I got your new GTranslate Pro version 3.14159 for my domain name through my client Andy. i configure the config file and put old Api key given by Andy ,But after installation it gives an error. "You don't have appropriate license for domain name. Please purchase GTranslate Pro license." how i get the license please help me for this. vishwa.
Re: Gtranslate pro - gives 404 - Component not found error
Jun 7, 2011 10:48 am by Edvard
You need to use license.dat file from file.
Gtranslate pro not translate all part of my site
Jun 9, 2011 10:33 am by vishwa
hi there, the [b]GTranslate Pro version 3.14159[/b] not translate all part of my site. please have a look on link snap shot of my site not translating area with red mark. but in Arabic it translate all the area of my site, what is the reason behind that. vishwa.
Re: Gtranslate pro - gives 404 - Component not found error
Jun 9, 2011 4:40 pm by [email protected]
Hi Edvard I am working on the same project - the test site for whoartnow : We are getting most of it working now, ( great application BTW ) One issue we are having now is that not all of the page is translating. Check the home page and you can see that down the left, only half of the colours are translating for example. Is there a reason for this that you know of/? thanks ion advance >>Andre#
Re: Gtranslate pro - gives 404 - Component not found error
Jun 9, 2011 5:10 pm by [email protected]
also, futher to my last post, if I try to edit manually and use for example i can edit the page, however when I click save it just pops up a msg : "fail". I have tried IE / FF and chrome, logged in as admin too. help!
Re: Gtranslate pro - gives 404 - Component not found error
Jun 10, 2011 12:58 pm by Edvard
This is not connected to the post title. Please check the troubleshooting and if you cannot find the reason for your problems feel free to open a new support thread with appropriate title.


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