Forum Archive - Link flag to external website

Link flag to external website
Jan 7, 2015 8:11 pm by usuGt
Hello, we have installed Pro version in our website. We are using Gtranslate for 7 languages, but now, we want to link one of the flags with an external website. How can we do that? Thanks in advance
Re: Link flag to external website
Jan 7, 2015 8:27 pm by Yana
Hi, You can make changes in the source code of GTransltae module and change href attribute for that language.
Re: Link flag to external website
Jan 8, 2015 12:00 am by usuGt
Hi Yana, do you mean in mod_gtranslate.php? In case of Portuguese: $show_pt = $params->get('show_pt'); (here I have to write the href code?) I am using joomla 1.5, and inside joomla, extensions, manage modules, gtranslate, there is no option to link the flag to any url. Or in mod_gtranlate.xml to include href code?: <param name="show_pt" type="radio" default="2" label="Show Portuguese" description="Show Portuguese in language list"> <option value="1">Yes</option> <option value="0">No</option> <option value="2">As a PT flag</option> <option value="3">As a BR flag</option> </param> Please, could you help me? Many thanks
Re: Link flag to external website
Jan 8, 2015 5:48 pm by Yana
Hi, You will need to edit /modules/mod_gtranslate/tmpl/default.php file also you can use gtranslate free html code instead of joomla module.
Re: Link flag to external website
Jan 8, 2015 9:54 pm by usuGt
Thanks Yana, but after editing source code, I have no results or I break the website. I have tried some ways but, the I have no results. The code in default.php is: echo '<a href="'.$href.'" onclick="doGTranslate(\''.$language.'|'.$lang.'\');return false;" title="'.$lang_name.'" class="alt_flag" style="background-position:-'.$flag_x.'px -'.$flag_y.'px;"><img src="'.JURI::root(true).'/modules/mod_gtranslate/tmpl/lang/blank.png" height="'.$flag_size.'" width="'.$flag_size.'" alt="'.$lang_name.'" /></a> '; How can I change it to get a correct result? Many thanks
Re: Link flag to external website
Jan 9, 2015 12:44 pm by Edvard
Hi, If you want we can modify it for you for additional payment. You can contact me by email Please send me the description of your requirements. Thanks!


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