Forum Archive - [Solved] Weird letters / punctuation problem

[Solved] Weird letters / punctuation problem
Dec 8, 2011 12:15 pm by dadionysos
Hello, The free version of GTranslate is working fine, but now I have the pro version installed and it shows all kind of weird signs / punctuation and it doesn't translate all the sentences anymore. Any idea what the problem can be? The address of my website is: Thnx in advance. Anne van Leeuwen
Re: Weird letters / punctuation problem with the Pro version
Dec 8, 2011 3:13 pm by Edvard
Hi, For some reason your server replies with Content-Type text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 header forcing it to use iso-8859-1 charset instead of utf-8. Please contact your hosting provider and ask how can you force to use utf-8 or make it not force charset. Ex. Content-Type text/html;
Re: Weird letters / punctuation problem with the Pro version
Dec 8, 2011 4:06 pm by dadionysos
Thank you for you quick answer. The charset is working now. No weird punctuations anymore. There is only a problem that some sentences are in Dutch when you have chosen German for example. Do I have to clean the cache or something? Greets, Anne
Re: [Solved] Weird letters / punctuation problem
Dec 8, 2011 4:11 pm by Edvard
That should be solved over time. If you don't want to wait you can add force_translation=1 in the end of the URL and it will make the translation quickly. Ex.
Re: [Solved] Weird letters / punctuation problem
Dec 9, 2011 11:32 am by dadionysos
Hoi Edvard, How long is it goning to take normally? English seems to work fine, but I see at the top of the page sometimes the next error message: Cannot translate: Any idea? Thanks for the good help!
Re: [Solved] Weird letters / punctuation problem
Dec 9, 2011 11:43 am by Edvard
Hi, I've checked the debug to find out the cause for that error and I think I know what it is. It seems that your template index.php file or some other file included into it uses a wrong encoding and there is an invisible "Â " character in there (non-breaking space or encoded "%C2%A0"). If you can give me temporary FTP access, I can try to find that file and fix the issue with it, so it will not pause the translation process.
Re: [Solved] Weird letters / punctuation problem
Dec 9, 2011 12:40 pm by Edvard
It should be OK now, please check.
Re: [Solved] Weird letters / punctuation problem
Dec 9, 2011 12:55 pm by dadionysos
I am stil having problems. English seems to work fine. But when you try or he is still showing the error message.
Re: [Solved] Weird letters / punctuation problem
Dec 9, 2011 1:20 pm by Edvard
Now for sure it should be OK.
Re: [Solved] Weird letters / punctuation problem
Dec 9, 2011 1:27 pm by dadionysos
The error messages are gone. The translation contains still some dutch sentences. But it takes some time you said earlier. I have to wait I quess. Thank you for the good support.
Re: [Solved] Weird letters / punctuation problem
Dec 9, 2011 1:33 pm by Edvard
Yes, it depends how frequently search engines index your site. It can take a week or two to translate everything and index all the languages.


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