Set the language through the URL, from a different page
Sep 2, 2018 7:51 pm by Jorgedmm
Sep 2, 2018 7:51 pm by Jorgedmm
Well, first of all I appreciate all your help.
I was searching for a solution to this issue I have. I found this but I don't know if it applies to my issue (change-language-using-url-parameter-site-com-lang-t5822.html" rel="nofollow" target="_blank).
I have a simple index page on the directory "../" which only contains 3 buttons, one for each language (Spanish by default, English and Chinese). These buttons have the links to direct to Wordpress's URL "../home/", which obviously has the plugin gTranslate installed
The thing is the Wordpress page does not adjust to the language, so I thought the solution to this issue would be setting it by a parameter on the URL like this: "../home/?lang=en" or "../home/?lang=zh-CN" which defines the language is set to be translated.
Please, I need your help. Thanks in advance.
I apologize for my bad English.

Re: Set the language through the URL, from a different page
Sep 2, 2018 7:57 pm by Edvard
Sep 2, 2018 7:57 pm by Edvard
If you use our paid version you will have a separate URL for each language like /en/home /zh-CN/home etc...
You can also have en.example.com/home/ zh-cn.example.com/home/ etc... If you choose our Language Hosting option you may also use example.cn or other domains for each language.

Re: Set the language through the URL, from a different page
Oct 9, 2018 8:28 am by brainsage
Oct 9, 2018 8:28 am by brainsage
Should I use the Language Hosting option? Is it crucial to have example.au and suchlike types for each language? Do I need to change it from au.example.com ? Thanks.
Re: Set the language through the URL, from a different page
Oct 9, 2018 10:56 am by Yana
Oct 9, 2018 10:56 am by Yana
The language hosting means that if you have top level domains you can use them for translations. For example if you have subscription for domain.com which is in English and you have domain.fr, domain.es we can host translated version on them and you can see French translation on domain.fr, Spanish version on domain.es etc.
To activate this feature you should login to DNS manager of your top level domains and set GTranslate IP address in A record to point them to our server. Our IP address should be set for both www and non-www domain.
Then you need to login GTranslate dashboard using your GTranslate username/password, go to Settings and in Language hosting section add top level domain name and choose appropriate language.
After activation you should make changes in GTranslate free language switcher code to replace default links of flags with appropriate domain name. We can help you to change the code.
Please use our live chat support if you need help.
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