Forum Archive - Webhoster want close website / Update and information

Webhoster want close website / Update and information
Feb 28, 2012 6:09 pm by earlyworm
Hello GTranslate, I have bought the Pro Version some month ago, but now I have to come back with some questions. 1. My webhoster wants to close my account. The provider said that the cache folder of GTranslate created to much files, so that this generates errors on the server. The webhoster said that I have to minimize the files which are be generated in the cache folder. I have to do this during one week, otherwise he want to close my website. What possibilities do I have to reduce the number of files in the cache folder? 2. In the forum I also find the topic “Did not receive the GTranslate update”. I also have to say that I did not receive any updates the last 2 moth. This make me recognize that there is nothing on the GTranslate Website where I can see the current version of GTranslate Pro - What is the current version of GTranslate Pro? - Is there a list of fixes you have done in the current version? - Where can I see what version of GTranslate Pro is on my website? - Does a update maybe fixes my problem from Point 1 (too many files in cache folder)? - I have switched to Joomla 2.5. Does GTranslate Pro have any problems with this version? - When I receive a update from GTranslate Pro. What do I have to do for updating? Thanks for answering my questions. Best regards
Re: Webhoster want close website / Update and information
Feb 28, 2012 10:09 pm by Yana
Hi, You can disable some of the languages to not have many files. Please check if you have dynamic texts in your pages and try to wrap them with class="notranslate". For example dynamic date-times, online users counters, any other counters or random numbers. Please read this topic. gtranslate-pro-too-large-number-files-server-issue-t924.html#p3949 If it's not solving your problems you can consider using our Enterprise service. In this case translation cache will be kept on our cloud network.
Re: Webhoster want close website / Update and information
Feb 29, 2012 8:23 pm by earlyworm
Thank you for the quick answer. I have started to disable some of the languages, so I hope this will reduce the number of files in the cache folder. But could you please also answer my questions of point 2. **** 2. . In the forum I also find the topic “Did not receive the GTranslate update”. I also have to say that I did not receive any updates the last 2 moth. This make me recognize that there is nothing on the GTranslate Website where I can see the current version of GTranslate Pro - What is the current version of GTranslate Pro? - Is there a list of fixes you have done in the current version? - Where can I see what version of GTranslate Pro is on my website? - Does a update maybe fixes my problem from Point 1 (too many files in cache folder)? - I have switched to Joomla 2.5. Does GTranslate Pro have any problems with this version? - When I receive a update from GTranslate Pro. What do I have to do for updating? **** Thank you. Best regards
Re: Webhoster want close website / Update and information
Mar 6, 2012 3:13 pm by Edvard
Hi, The updates are announced by email including the updated version and the instructions. The latest version is 3.141592, you should see it in the source code of a translated page in the end. If you are having issues, please describe them here, so our support specialist will help you with it or install it for you.


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