To all Google Language Translator Users: Welcome to GTranslate!
As the founder of Google Language Translator Rob Myrick announced nearly a week ago, Google Language Translator is now a part of GTranslate family. Before talking about what this basically means for you, let's briefly describe what are the core differences and similarities of two plugins.
Google Language Translator and GTranslate
Both are multilingual plugins which help to instantly make your websites multilingual and both are easy to install and use.
Google Language Translator works like GTranslate's free plan. They both provide on-fly translation of your website through Google's machine translation: the website is being translated only when your visitor selects a language. The only difference here is in the design and default options to post Language Selectors on your website.
Google Language Translator
In addition to this GTranslate also has paid plans, which use Google's more advanced Neural translations, stores all automatic translations, and allows to edit right on the website.
With GTranslate paid plans you get your translated pages through search engine friendly sub-directory or sub-domain URLs. You also get SEO advantage for your translated content as all the stored translations are being indexed by search engines like Google and Bing, giving you an opportunity to appear on the search results for other languages too.
GTranslate also allows you to translate the URLs and use custom domains for certain translated versions of your website.
Now Google Language Translator is with GTranslate
Now, as we took the management of Google Language Translator plugin you can use all the functionality of GTranslate paid plans and what is the most important contact our Live Chat support if any questions with Google Language Translator will occur.
If you want to switch to GTranslate and try it too, you are welcome. :)