Intermittent 403 Errors (Forbidden: Access is denied)
Sep 28, 2018 2:07 pm by mattbradley85
Sep 28, 2018 2:07 pm by mattbradley85
We are running Gtranslate Startup noticed recently that visitors (and Google bots) will receive intermittent 403 Errors (Access Denied). Our system setup is: Wordpress 4.98 running on Windows IIS server. GTranslate Startup (paid) in subdirectories.
The problem can be reproduced specifically by switching between languages. For instance, going from our homepage, clicking on the Spanish flag to, navigating to a new page, and then switching languages again. It's almost as if visitors are being rate limited. This dramatically affecting our international search and can hopefully get this fixed soon. According to Google Webmasters, the issue seems to have started on September 20th and seems to be getting worse.
Thank you.
Re: Intermittent 403 Errors (Forbidden: Access is denied)
Sep 28, 2018 2:28 pm by Edvard
Sep 28, 2018 2:28 pm by Edvard
The error is generated by IIS server which is your server, so it seems that it is your firewall. You need to make sure that our proxy IP addresses are not blocked on your side.
I would also suggest updating the gtranslate router on your side. For that you need to go to your user dashboard and run the Setup wizard again, which will provide you the latest version of gtranslate URL addon, and you can replace /gtranslate/gtranslate.php file and others in the package on your side.
If you are unable to configure your firewall, consider using Cloudflare, so everyone can access your website through Cloudflare, including us. Hopefully Cloudflare will not be blocked, since usually firewalls have special rate limiting for Cloudflare.
Please contact our live chat if you need more details about the IPs:
Re: Intermittent 403 Errors (Forbidden: Access is denied)
Sep 28, 2018 2:41 pm by mattbradley85
Sep 28, 2018 2:41 pm by mattbradley85
Thank you, I will take a look at our Windows firewall. Maybe an IP address got blocked recently. Also, I didn't realize there were updates for the plugin. I'm unable to login to the portal at the moment, but I will reach out to the live chat.
Re: Intermittent 403 Errors (Forbidden: Access is denied)
Sep 28, 2018 3:27 pm by Edvard
Sep 28, 2018 3:27 pm by Edvard
You are welcome. 

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